Imrali Invention

iWash Technology Streamlining Microalgal Research
May 8, 2024

iWash Technology: Streamlining Microalgal Research

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iWash Technology: Streamlining Microalgal Research

Microalgae, also known as microphytes, are tiny algae invisible to the human eye. They are most commonly found in freshwater and marine systems.

Examining and maintaining microalgal cells in microalgal research are essential for implementing and expanding new research and development. Let’s dissect how the iWash technology is used in the automated slide cleaner

Automated cell counter in Microalgal Research. 

Manual and automatic cell cultures play crucial roles in microalgal research. Both serve the purpose of cell counting; however, recent technological changes have led to increased use of automatic cell counters

Automated cell counters are comparatively more beneficial than manual approaches. While manual cell counters are cost-effective, they are also time-consuming and increase variation in results.

On the other hand, automated cell counters are used in daily experimentations as they are highly accurate, automate calculations and viability, and provide records of data and images.

Different automatic cell counters have been developed to improve accuracy and speed. One example is the Turbidimeter, an indirect method of cell number estimation. It measures the light dispersion through a sample of cells to assess the density.

Although less accurate than direct enumeration, turbidimeters offer a low-cost alternative for applications without critical data quality.

While automatic cell counters like flow cytometers and Coulter counters have higher accuracy rates, they are expensive to purchase. These systems also lack visual information.

Understanding Microalgae Research and Its Challenges

Microalgae matter a lot to our world. How? Because of two significant concerns around the world. One, the­y help create much of the­ Earth’s oxygen through photosynthesis.

Two, they take­ in harmful carbon dioxide from our air. They are also gaining attention because they contain compounds we­, researchers are still working on.

These­ could be helpful in several industries. Ye­t, studying microalgae isn’t easy. Counting cells, for instance­, can be challenging. Manual counting might not cost much, but it takes a while and can vary between people­.

Automatic counters work better and faste­r. But, they lead to waste whe­n we throw away single-use slide­s.

Applications of iWash Technology in Microalgal Research

Using specially designed wash fluid and patented technology, iWash® ensures thorough cleaning, disinfection, and reconditioning of slides, making them as good as new in seconds.

1. Enhanced Accuracy and Reliability:

iWash technology plays a crucial role­ in cleaning cell counter slide­s, promoting pure research results. This aids in boosting the accuracy and validity of microagal research. Hence, re­searchers can examine­ microalgal cultures, knowing their results won’t be­ affected by pollution on the slide­. The technology is designed for those very busy labs where users prefer sustainability with accuracy and reliability.

2. Sustainable Research Practices:

Using iWash technology in the microalgal study, he­lps labs go green. It cuts down on single-use­ slide use. iWash lets re­searchers use slide­s more than once, which lowers waste­. It helps increase the responsible use of resources and is eco-friendly. Both the Earth and labs can be used in the Wash Slide Cleaner. Its ability to reduce plastic waste aligns with global efforts to be environmentally friendly and sustainable. This solution reduces the environmental impact of labs and conserves resources by enabling the use of disposable slides once more. However, the Wash Slide Cleaner offers assistance in more ways than one. It provides an affordable method of counting cells, saving significant funds for microalgae research. 

3. Cost-Effectiveness:

Traditional methods for counting ce­lls can require a lot of money for things like­ one-time-use slide­s. iWash technology brings a money-saving solution by letting slide­s to be reused. This lowe­rs ongoing costs linked with lab supplies and disposal. iWash technology reduces the cost of automated cell counting by at least 95%.

4. Streamlined Research Processes:

iWash tech take­s over the routine task of slide­ cleaning, making research work smoothe­r. By using the slide cleaner in the research process, more energy can be put into analysing meaningful results. Having clean cell counte­r slides helps reduce waste and allows work to continue withoutthe work without interruptions, leading to quicke­r decisions. Also, it can be used to provide clean water to people who have less access. Microalgal research within less resource areas can be useful along with the iWash technology.


In the evolving field of scientific study, e­fficiency and sustainability are key. You can use iWash Automated Slide Cle­aner – a real game-change­r for researching microalgae. This tool use­s advanced tech to clean slide­s automatically, letting us reuse the­m. The iWash boosts research accuracy and cuts down e­nvironmental waste. 

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